Navigating Energy Imbalances with the Divine Feminine

What is the Divine Feminine? 

Whenever I talk about the divine feminine, people often ask, ‘What is that? What do you mean by the divine feminine?’ Well, I’m going to tell you. 

The divine feminine is the goddess energy that resides within each of us. It's the wellspring of our creativity, our intuition, our capacity for nurturing, compassion, and our deep connection to nature and spirituality. In contrast, our divine masculine is the pragmatic force that helps us organize, analyze, and execute our ideas. We need both to be truly successful and happy in this world. 

Every single one of us has masculine and feminine energy within us and around us. It connects us to the earth and all living things, and it needs to be balanced for us to feel aligned and connected with ourselves and our environment. If these energies are out of balance, we may experience one, a few, or all of these effects: 

  • Disconnected from ourselves and our loved ones

  • Mind fog and focus issues

  • No motivation

  • Depression

  • Helplessness

  • Sad

  • Having no control over your life

  • Stuck

  • Overwhelmed

  • Zero energy

Sadly, in this day and age, we live in an overwhelmingly masculine energy-dominated world. In this fast-paced world, our lives revolve around work, bills, running errands, fixing things, and so on. We're rewarded when we let our masculine energy take charge. Don't misunderstand; it's crucial for maintaining structure in our lives and achieving our goals. But what happens when our divine masculinity is the only thing getting us through the day? 

Identifying Energy Imbalances

The problem with allowing masculine energy to take control and protect us is that we go through life grinding away to get to that next step in life and completely forget about our divine feminine. When the divine masculine is overpowering within us, there's this sort of "Just get the job done, stay focused, you don't have time to sit there and cry." sort of energy. Therefore, our divine feminine starts to get snuffed out, silenced, and that's when things start feeling off. We begin to feel unhappy, and we don’t know why. We might feel a lot of stress and anxiety or overthink everything. We forget to slow down purely to see and be. We struggle to connect with others in a deep way. Also, we most likely don't give ourselves the space or time to feel and release emotions. When we finally allow ourselves to sit with our minds for more than 30 seconds, we may realize we haven’t done anything for ourselves in weeks, months, or even years. 

When was the last time you truly did something that brought you joy and was FULLY present and relishing in the beauty of the moment? When was the last time you created something just because you wanted to, not because you needed to feel productive or monetize it, but because it excited you and gave you a spark? When’s the last time you’ve been out in nature or danced freely in your living room? If you struggle with any of these things and feel heaviness, you may have ignored your divine feminine for too long. Over time, if you don’t start allowing your divine feminine to come to the surface and speak, you can attract chaos, unhappiness, and stagnancy into your life.

Healing and Awakening the Divine Feminine

Now that we’ve identified what happens when these two energies are imbalanced, we can start nourishing this connection by lifting our divine feminine up out of the ashes. Here are some gentle ways to wake her up and let her know there’s space for her in your life. 

Creative Expression

Find your creative flow through dance, art, pottery, music, or writing. Anything that gets your creative juices flowing can help pull your divine feminine out of her slumber. Some ways I personally pull myself back into balance are through dancing, music, and making jewelry. Even though I love being in my creative mind, I have neglected it before. Through consistent self-reflection, I’ve become much better at knowing when to slow down and treat my divine feminine. Also, just going out to dance with friends can be another great way to let your divine feminine loose. 

Connecting with Nature

You’ve heard this one often, but it’s important. Even if you aren’t outdoorsy, you can still get out in a controlled nature setting. You don’t have to climb a mountain to find your inner goddess. You can garden, walk in a park, bike ride, or have a picnic. Touch some trees, smell some flowers. If you live next to the ocean, sit and watch the waves tumble over each other. The most important thing is that you are fully present in those moments. This means you’re not looking at your phone or on your laptop or even reading. Be present with the sounds and smells. Feel the pulsing energy of nature around you. 

Connect with the Moon and Stars

Female goddesses have been connected with the moon and stars for thousands of years. Moon and star gazing is a beautiful and simple way to connect with this feminine energy. If you love this and want to take it a step further, host a moon party and invite friends over to celebrate the moon. Make some wishes, dance, sing, and just fill your house with laughter. If you're interested in learning more about moon magick and rituals, download my free Moon Magick and Rituals guide. It can help you get started. 


Facials, massages, and spiritual baths are all great ways to tap into that divine goddess energy. Allow your masculine mind to rest and be nurtured. Allow him to be held and comforted. These types of activities can help bring your energies into balance. Personally, I love boiling herbs with lavender and rose petals for about 5-10 minutes and then straining out the debris. I pour this and some Epsom salt into the bath water. If you want to get creative, you can add some candles, incense, or music to the space. You can even float away to a magical rainforest by adding flowers or flower petals to the water.

Schedule a Free Day with Zero Structure

Mark a day in your calendar with zero structure. The most important thing to do on this day, is plan nothing and learn how to tap into your natural energetic flow. Literally, out loud, ask your divine feminine "What do you want to do today?" and then listen. Is it just chill with a cup of coffee and a book? Is it cuddling with your pet? Is it going out shopping? Or, maybe you just want to chill in a book store. Maybe you go to a yoga class. Whatever it is, what's important is you let your divine feminine choose and you listen. Let your body, mind, and spirit do what it naturally feels like doing. A day like this can be incredibly rejuvenating. 

Integrating Both Energies Harmoniously

Now that your divine feminine is singing a little louder let’s talk about how we can make these two work smoothly together in our daily lives. Unfortunately, most of us can’t just live in a spa, sip cucumber water, and create art every day. Most of us must go out, make a living, and care for loved ones (including fur babies). So, what does integrating both energies into your daily life look like? Here are a few ideas. 

  1. Making Time for Yourself Each Day
    Even if it’s only 10 minutes, take that time daily to do something that pulls you back into your body. This could be as simple as savoring a cup of coffee while sitting outdoors. Or, maybe you go on a 15-minute walk every single day. Just do something for yourself. 

  2. Exercise
    Yoga, walking, and stretching are wonderful exercises for rebalancing your energy. They are gentle yet effective in aligning your divine masculine and feminine energies. 

  3. Take Creative or Nature Breaks at Work
    When I worked in a corporate job (pre-COVID), I would go outside and walk barefoot in the garden areas or grass on campus. At most of my corporate jobs, I managed to persuade a few of my colleagues to join me. I didn’t care that I looked strange; it was invigorating and fun. My friends who joined me loved it; it was a beautiful way to connect with them more meaningfully while grounding our energy after a stressful meeting. If a nature break isn’t an option, maybe bring a sketchbook or craft to work on when you have some free time. Maybe you just listen to music and look at an art book. Just do something to get yourself out of the masculine mind we so often get wrapped up in at our daily jobs. 

  4. Practice Showing Compassion and Seeing Others as Human
    One way to do this is to see the other person as a sister, brother, mother, or someone else’s child. No matter how much you dislike someone, if you start thinking of them as someone else’s loved one, you can shift your perception and transform that negative energy between you. 

  5. Harmonizing Scents
    Burn candles or incense with scents like cedar plus rose or sandalwood plus peach blossom. You can also use perfumes. These scents have masculine and feminine energy and can help bring your environmental vibrations into balance. 

Closing Thoughts

If you’ve been feeling imbalanced, stressed out, or like you’ve been running into the ground, take heart because there are ways to bring your energy back into alignment. The key lies in consistently integrating routines that nourish both your masculine and feminine energies. Pause, breathe, and reflect on the last time you engaged in a playful, creative, or self-care activity. If it's been a while, it's time, my friend.


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